Signons and Signoffs Wiki


December 31, 2017[]

When the clock strikes midnight, on January 1, the KQV news watch will stop. In 1975, my father, Robert Dickey Sr., realized the dream of a lifetime, to run an all-news radio station, in his hometown, bringing the format from WINS, in New York City. Subsequently, Richard Scaife and my father purchased KQV from Taft Broadcasting in 1982 and ran it until 2011, upon my father's death. That's when my sister, Cheryl, and I, with Mr. Scaife's blessing, took over KQV until she passed away this November. Over the years, you could set your watch to our format, traffic and Weather on the 8's, sports :15 and :45, business news at :20 and :50, and let's not forget the listener, Paul. Dad always enjoyed it when a politician made reference to the results. Some of us have been here over 40 years, and in that time, we have been grateful to develop treasured partnerships with our loyal advertisers who supported us and believe that KQV's well-informed consumers could be some of their best customers. A hearty thanks as well to our vendors and suppliers who helped make it possible for KQV to deliver timely news to our audience all these years across multiple platforms. Sincerest thanks to our dedicated employees; they believe in this thing we call journalism, and their fervent effort to report the facts and the truth as we saw them without Meredith or Agenda. Last but not least, we at KQV want to thank you, our discerning news audience. Your insatiable thirst for knowledge and the truth is what drove us all these years. So from the bottom of our collective hearts, we truly appreciate you for hanging in there with all of us these last 40 years. We wish you a healthy and prosperous new year, and from all of us, thank you for giving us 22 minutes, so that we could give you the world. This is Bob Dickey, Jr.
